
Monday, November 22, 2010

SDA Appointment

We had our SDA appointment. It was nothing like I expected... much more relaxed than I expected. The first thing that the girl asked me was how old I was, when I told her, she laughed and said that she was the same age and couldn't imagine having children. But, she was just curious!

Everything with Reed is as expected. He has no siblings and was born to a single mother.

Scarlett's referral was a bit bumpier. She has two siblings. But, the lady doing our referral pulled it up on the computer and one was adopted by an American family and the second is in Ukrainian foster care. So, neither are available for adoption (this is a good thing for us!). We also found our that her special need is more severe than we thought. We are still trying to process what that means and doing research to understand it. If you happen to know what that special need is, please don't post about it in the comments. You can email me if you want to talk to us about it or have something to share.

Please pray for Scarlett and us as we process this.

We will be traveling to their region tomorrow night and hope to meet them Wednesday or Thursday.


  1. I'm happy to hear that your appointment went better than expected. One step closer!

    As you do your research, if you come across any journal articles that you can't access full text for, but that you would like to read, shoot me an email and I can probably get full text for you and send you the .pdf files. I have access to pretty much every journal (medical, educational, etc.). I could also do a general search if you wanted.

    I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!

    -Kinsey (

  2. Molly, Im so glad to hear that you are there safely and that everything went well at your appointment!
    We'll continue to keep you in our prayers. I dont think I still have your email address but I have a question...

  3. I will pray for you, hopefully everything will be alright. God will keep you safe and guide you the right way whatever it turns out to be.

  4. Molly,
    just remember that some of their diagnosis sound more scarier then they really are. What they might say over there is no big deal here. Just pray about it and go with your heart.

  5. So glad you had your SDA appt. and are learning the process, etc. PRAYING! Yes, they can be wrong on a diagnosis so don't worry about it until you meet Scarlett. Can't believe that day is almost here. Love, J.

  6. Glad you guys are there and already had your SDA appointment. Praying for you guys. Like said above, don't get too stressed about a diagnose because they may be wrong or it may be no big deal in the US. Also, the diagnose is not who she is, it's only a small part of her.

    Can't wait to see pictures of you 2 with your 2 beautiful children!!

  7. Hi Molly. You guys have been on my mind so much lately! I don't know if I ever told you on your other blog, but my 4 year old has special needs. (I can tell you what his diagnosis is if you feel comfortable.) While it hasn't been easy it has made our whole family grow in deep ways and makes me a better more patient person. When I first got the news of his diagnosis I was devastated. Now it is such a minor thing. I would agree with Jenny H. that a diagnosis does not define the child. S/he is the same person as before the label. Anyway I am rambling. Let me know how I can offer support to you right now. Praying for all of you.


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