
Friday, December 10, 2010

No Camera and James

You all are going to be mad... I forgot the camera today!

James from Reece's Rainbow came by and played with us today. He was waiting for his grandmother to visit, as I could understand. And she never showed up. :( He is a very cute little boy. He and Ilya are buddies and were wrestling and throwing things at each other-- having a lot of fun like little boys do. He seems like such a sweet little boy. I know there is a family out there for him. Who is it?!?!

I'd be happy to tell any interested mamas and papas more about him. He is about 6 months older than Ilya and is about the same size, maybe even a tad bit smaller than him. 

The boys got pretty crazy. It was all a bit overwhelming. Lena just sat on my lap for awhile and we watched them. She clearly gets overwhelmed when things are a bit crazy... just wait til you get home and meet the dogs, Lena! 

For past few days, the kids have had a new game, running up the hall away from us. It is a bit exhausting and really just no fun for us grownups. I am really ready for "gotcha day" when we take them out of the orphanage. 

I should have clarified yesterday... I am not homesick, just ready to go home. That might not make sense, but you know how when you go on vacation, you reach a point where you're just ready to go home? Like that. I was totally exhausted today and I have a sore throat right now. I am missing the comforts of a grocery store with 30 different kinds of orange juice and the deliciousness of American comfort food. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling good, it is no fun to be sick when you're away from home. Hopefully they'll have one awesome kind of orange juice for you! I hope you feel better soon and that time flies to gotcha day!


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